Tuesday, 2 December 2008

VRWG St Deniol's Writing Day - Nov 08

T'was one of the foggiest days of the year so far this year, and one of the coldest when the brave boys and girls of the VRWG hit St Deniol's library in Hawarden for a day of writing frolics.

Fourteen souls took to the lecture room on Saturday morning not all daunted by the five sessions of writing planned out for the day.
Polly kicked us off with music,some fruity bits and a sneaky smell of a bag in a mysterious black box! An exercise designed to get us to think about using our senses in our writing, and it did!
Mark gave us inspiration by prompting us to script an apology from a politician. Bob's had us rolling in stitches and we are trying to persuade him to perform it at the upcoming Winter Words event.
Lunch gave us opportunity for a wander round the library and the grounds and to sit in peace just reading the paper.
Bob kicked off the afternoon with a slightly more formal structure letting us look at stories from the point of the protagonist's journey and then buildign out from that - very interesting, I got the plan for a ew novel down!
Bill brought us back down to earth with dialogue tennis. Working in pairs to write realistic dialogue against a scenario set by him. Fine when both parties had the same scenario - but I'm sure you can imagine the hilarity when the scenes were mixed up!
Christine finished us off (not quite literally) with inspiration from a piucture of Gladstone's bag - we had to think of six items we'd put in it. One of my favourite sessions - wrote a poem in this session which I think has legs.
Come 5pm the writing hand was aching and the brain was buzzing but a great day was had by all and we all want to go back and do it all again next year.

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