Saturday, 4 April 2009

Dark Poetry - just drops out of the 20,000 - a sad day

Sadly recent sales haven't been great - I haven't done much promo I must admit. So it's now at 20,111 in Lulu chart. Never mind - must keep on with the other projects!


Tom said...

Sorry to hear this sad news, Chris! Some people have no taste!
Fingers crossed for better sales this summer when folk might not be so scared of the dark ...

Tom said...

Chris, I keep forgetting to ask you at meetings - how do you install a site visit counter on your blog? I've tried but they don't seem to take!
Hope you sales have picked up!

miamibeachapartments said...

Fingers crossed for better sales this summer when folk might not be so scared of the dark ....thanks for sharing here..