Saturday, 10 January 2009

VRWG January Meeting

Well it was a cold one by anyone's standards and despite the emails coming thick and fast in the afternoon bowing out there were still ten brave souls who weren't put off by a bit of frost!

I gave everyone the task of creating 10 New Year "Un"Resolutions - things we won't be doing. Some were very amusing.

Welcome to two new members John and Les. Les gave a duet reading with Lorraine that certainly kept us all amused and intrigued and we hope to hear more from them next time.

Thought we might have ended early but with Paul's autobiographical exploits and Roger's reading we went the whole hog to 9:30. Here's hoping the weather is a bit better next month.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention. Either the Duet or we must have made an impression. We look forward to giving you another installment next month if you'd like to hear it.


Anonymous said...

lorraine ... duet? we always do duet.. cannot get enough of me! HE PLAYS