Friday, 5 September 2008

VRWG September meeting

The 1st was also the first Monday of the month so that meant VRWG meeting. Bob was away so Yours Truly was in the Chair. More new members tonight (it just keeps on growing!).

Round up of the Poets and Pints night - we all agreed it was a great success and that included the landlord who would really like us to do it again. So we are! It's been agreed that it will be on Tuesday 9th December so put it in your diaries.

St Deniol's day is also looming so everyone needs to sort out with Joyce if they want to go.

I set a bit of a writing exercise to try and get everyone's writing gland activated. This month you had to think of a piece of work you wanted to submit and write your biography associated with the work in less than 50 words. Then in another 50 words write the teaser for the piece. I got stuck ordering 2,567 hot chocolates from the bar (ok only 9 but that sort of number did merit a blimey from the staff!), so I only got as far as the biog - here it is (rough and not-so-ready),

Gough's work gets under your skin and makes it crawl. A barrage of shocks bowl you over and leave your body behind to be feasted on by carrion. And as for your mind, his use of vivid imagery will push it beyond the extreme.

When Gough writes it's from the heart; and liver; and spleen! His pen spits blood and bile and smears them across the page in words that float through your mind in the dark of a sleepless night.

You're going to need something beyond prescription strength to survive this work!

Not a submission to Mills and Boon!

We will also be picking up the cheque next week from Vale Royal for the grant to produce prose workshops so lots of ideas needed so we can start planning! Also support is going to be needed for the actual sessions themselves so do please come along and take part when they are announced.

Quite a few good bits of writing and feedback - more needed each month so don't be shy please.

Next meeting 6th October.


Polly said...

Missed the exercise ....
where an old man nearly killed me

Polly said...

Missed the exercise ....
where an old man nearly killed me