Saturday, 20 September 2008

Happy Birthday Martin - great golfing morning!

It's been almost two years since I picked up a golf club (in Dublin in fact on a Boy's Weekend), so it was with some trepidation that I accepted an invite to play today to celebrate Martin's 46th birthday.

My old clubs have been wrapped up away in the loft for years now and I know when I put them away they needed cleaning and the shafts had gone rusty so who knows what they would have been like now! Anyway Argos had a sale on and I got a full set for a bargain price!

Dragged the old golf shoes out of the wardrobe (they were still in the box - worn once and the receipt said 28-8-91, before even my daughters were born!), found some balls and a glove and headed off. And a very civilised affair it was too. Coffee, cake, biscuits, cheese, pork pie, crackers, wine and port were quaffed at various stopping points around the course and I found that I played a lot better after the port!

Fantastic morning and the fleece was off after a few holes, could have done with suntan lotion really!

What was the tally? Squared it with Martin and lost 50p to Mike, got one oozle, lost three balls, found three balls, but lost my bloomin' sunglasses!

Lovely action I'm sure you will agree!

More photos (including Martin's special bunker shots!) at

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